
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patrol Robots

A high-speed robot to protect private homes and patrol areas. Prompt patrol robots enable intelligent video surveillance over medium distances while driving. The command prompt is designed for continuous patrol, which allows you to efficiently manage facilities of all sizes. Using patrol robots is the best solution for protecting areas with many buildings, fences, or other obstacles that do not allow video surveillance from a distance. The highest level of effectiveness is achieved by using multiple robots in the entire guarded area. Intelligent patrols of sites performed by multiple robots allow the use of several different cruising routes, making it difficult for intruders to predict when robots will appear.

Facial acknowledgment during law authorization watching

Face recognition is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a subject through an image,
video or any audiovisual element of his face.

The Brief is unmistakably fit to watch the two roads and walkways. A scholarly video reconnaissance framework with artificial intelligence grants distinguishing human appearances situated in the robot's quick area toward any path. The way that the robot and individuals are situated on a similar person on foot way abbreviates the distance among them, and permits taking photos of their countenances that have an adequately high goal to empower resulting facial acknowledgment. Involving the robot for public security empowers collecting data for Large Information investigation. Inferable from the robot's development, the spots where data is gathered can be quickly changed relying upon the arrival of the week,

the hour of day, or the occasions for shows or public, athletic, and widespread developments. The Brief Watch Robot is essential for monitoring the edge of automated regions. On account of the man-made intelligence-controlled video reconnaissance framework, the robot can identify an individual in whimsical brightening common for open air observation. The Brief robot can dependably identify an individual situated inside a span of 20-25 meters. For uninhabited regions, or offices where individuals shouldn't be at sure occasions, finding an individual method an alert circumstance that the robot can illuminate the CMS dispatcher about.

Human recognizable proof to control access for work force and security officials

The installed facial acknowledgment framework permits controlling the work performed by security officials. To do this, it is required that security officials at a watched office approach a robot no less often than a specific allocated time stretch. After moving toward the robot very close, the acknowledgment framework perceives the security official's face, and illuminates the official with regards to it. Alongside that, any robot on the watch course will get data on where the security officials are found and, gratitude to man-made reasoning, will change its watch course. The following time that the security officials meet any of the robots, the time span between rates of acknowledgment is determined, and the work performed by the security officials is assessed.

Artificial intelligence (AI) patrol robots

The artificial intelligence patrol robot is capable of independently putting up resistance to an intrusion, or thwarting various threats. To do this, the robot is equipped with a voice notification system with synthesized voice warnings that depend on the type of threat recognized. The unique properties of the artificial intelligence are most apparent when robots are working in a group. By processing Big Data accumulated by the robots while guarding a unique facility, this mode allows predicting the places where the threat of an intruder will most likely arise. Distributed control of the patrol routes using AI control for each of the robots allows forming a highly efficient mobile group of security robots that can prevent external threats.